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A Girl's Guide~ How to Get Over a Bad Break-up

This article offers a list of 10 essential, tried and tested, things a girl must do in order to get over a particularly nasty break-up
Views 1393 | Rating 33 | Comments 4| Date Apr 21, 2008

A Girl's Guide ~ How to Earn His Respect!

Most things in a relationship come naturally, think about it, love, affection, care, you name it. Respect, however, has to be earned, and us girls, we know just how to do it!
Views 1210 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 16, 2008

Teaching Children to Respect Others Who Have a Disability

Having an eleven year old granddaughter with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy I have seen firsthand how cruel children, and even adults, can be to those in our society who are different, or who make us feel uncomfortable. We are most insensitive towards...
Views 1573 | Rating 19 | Comments 0| Date Apr 11, 2008

Assertiveness Techniques! Learn and practise these techniques to stop others from manipuilating you!

YOU have to change your non - assertive behaviour to stop others from manipulating you by learning and practising
Views 1073 | Rating 4 | Comments 1| Date Mar 24, 2008

How to wash cloth diapers

Here is the easy way to keep up with dirty diaper laundry! It's not as scary as you think!
Views 746 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008

Parenting After Adult Relationships End

Relationships end. Although the resulting emotions are normal, too often the pain, anger, sense of betrayal, and rejection felt by the adults spills over into a desire to strike back. Reaction, driven by raw emotion, replaces rational thought. Unfortunately,...
Views 965 | Rating 1 | Comments 1| Date Mar 26, 2008

Poetry: How To Write a Better, More Creative Poem

If you’re a writer, then at some point you must have had tried writing poetry. Have you written a poem? Who says you can’t write a poem? Anyone can learn how to write a poem.
Views 1699 | Rating 7 | Comments 6| Date Mar 21, 2008

How to find a missing person

It is not always necessary to hire a private investigator to search for a missing person. In fact, the time consuming task of investigating a missing person can be done by almost anyone. As long as a person understands and follows the procedure provided here,...
Views 897 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008

3 Tips for Self Confidence - So you can own every moment you live!

The difference is an assertive person may not be self-confident but a self-confident person is always assertive
Views 877 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008

How to do bartender tricks

For the mixologists out there, or bartenders, making tips is the best way to increase their income. Barkeeps use a variety of skills and methods to suggest a patron place monetary gifts on the bar for their taking. How they entertain can vary from witty...
Views 4262 | Rating 11 | Comments 2| Date Mar 19, 2008

How to show appreciation for your friends and family

Aristotle said friendship is the thing most necessary to life. We long for the affection of others. One of the measures of how we are managing from day to day is the way others feel about us. We care when our friends are fine and we worry when they are not....
Views 1154 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 1, 2008

Potty training in one day

Get the dirty work over in a day to a week.
Views 775 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 11, 2008

Using layering as a tool to write fiction and essays

In most writing classes you learn to answer the basic journalistic questions: who, what, why, when, where and how. Many writers approach this trying to weave this in to the original draft and end up feeling defeated. Here's a technique to help anyone...
Views 887 | Rating 3 | Comments 1| Date Jan 10, 2008

Photoshop tutorial - Quick and Easy Vector Looking Images

This tutorial will teach you how to make retro looking vector images in Photoshop.
Views 10955 | Rating 50 | Comments 6| Date Aug 15, 2007

How to tell the difference between a normal and a two way mirror

An article giving you tips on how to tell the difference between a normal mirror and a two way one.
Views 1598 | Rating 20 | Comments 3| Date Aug 11, 2007