A Beginner's Guide to Solving a Rubik's Cube

xpinchx Aug 10, 2007 Arts & Crafts
Using this tutorial you should be able to learn how to solve a Rubik's cube in as little as one day! This is for the standard 3x3 Rubik's cube.

Shorthand Abbreviations

In order to tell you how to manipulate your cube, some language needs to be established in order to guide you in the right direction.

  • F = Front
  • B = Back
  • L = Left
  • R = Right
  • U = Up
  • D = Down



Figure 1

    When you see these letters in a series, it means you're going to rotate that face of the cube clockwise, as if you were looking at that face. The times this is most often confused is when using the L face and D face. It takes some getting used to in order to visualize which way is clockwise, but it gets easy with practice. The only other shorthand you will see me use is the small letter "I". This indicates counterclockwise spinning of the face. The same rule applies as before, it's counterclockwise as if you were looking at that face. The shorthand looks like Fi, Bi, Li, Ri, Ui, and Di. Also note that "2" can be placed in front of any of these to indicate that you do it "twice" or 180 degrees. Also, now would be a good time to mention that these indicate the front/back/sides/etc depending on how you're holding it at the time. The "front" face doesn't always have to be a certain color. It's all relative to how you're holding it for that particular move.


    Before we move into some of the beginner's algorithms used, there is one main concept I want to show you. The "middle" pieces, or the pieces that never touch an edge, are permanently in place. They will never change position in relation to each other. This is absolutely the most important thing to keep in mind. That means that we will be moving the edge and corner piece around the middle pieces because the middle pieces will never actually move. To demonstrate this, there is a picture of a Rubik's cube disassembled. In addition to the middle pieces, there are two other types: edge, and corner pieces. Edge pieces have 2 colored stickers on them, and corner pieces have 3. Note that no matter how much you move these around, if an edge piece has a blue and orange sticker on it, it will always be the blue and orange edge piece. That means each of the 26 pieces only has one correct place, so solving "one side" is pointless unless you have the edge pieces in the correct place. More on this later.


Figure 2

    So now onto algorithms. The 3x3 Rubik's cube can be solved in 7 simple steps, every time. You can learn to follow these algorithms in a day, and memorize them with a 2nd day's worth of practice. What I'm teaching you is the easiest way to remember, not the fastest. There are a few additional algorithms that can help get your time below 2 minutes with minimal effort. I may add these at a later date, but for now I'm just supplying you with the easiest to follow and understand.


Step 1 - The Cross
    Remember how I said the middle pieces never move in relation to each other, and edge pieces only have on correct place? Here's where you can start applying that knowledge. The ultimate goal of this first step is to create a cross (in this case, the white side) with the edge pieces having the matching color of the adjacent side's center piece. There really aren't any algorithms that can be used to simply solve this step, so it's mostly intuitive. I will, however, provide one algorithm that should at least help you. Here is the ultimate goal of the first step:


Figure 3


    Now let's say you end up with something like this following picture. You have two edge pieces in the right plane, but they need to be swapped. The easiest way to move these edge pieces is to rotate them into the bottom plane, twist the bottom, and rotate them back into the top plane. The algorithm in this case is: 2R, Di, 2F [which will put the green/white piece into place] D, 2R [puts the red/white piece in correct position.] This is just one example, but just remember to get the white edge piece into the bottom plate, rotate the bottom place until it's below where it needs to go, then rotate it up to where it needs to be. It's mostly intuitive, but this should help.


Figure 4



Step 2 - Top Corners
    Once you have your cube looking like Figure 3 it's time to solve the white corners. There are 4 corner pieces with a white sticker on them, and 2 other colors. First find a white corner piece in the bottom layer and line it up between the two sides it's supposed to be between [i.e. If it's a white/blue/orange piece, rotate the bottom layer until it's between the blue and orange sides.] and this algorithm will flip that piece up into the spot in the top layer directly above it. For example you start with the first one (orange on the underside of the white corner piece) and want to flip it up.


Figures 5 and 6

    The algorithm used here is: Ri, Di, R, D (x1, x3, x5) Note that you may have to do this algorithm several times depending on the orientation of the white face on the bottom corner block. If it's facing down, you'll have to do it three times, or if it's facing the opposite direction then you will have to repeat it five times. It may be tedious but once you learn how to move the pieces around there is an easy shortcut to learn. This is fine for now. Repeat on all 4 corners. You may have a white corner "stuck" in the top layer already but in the wrong position or in the wrong orientation. Just rotate the cub and perform this algorithm once to get it into the bottom layer and then shift the bottom layer until it's below where it needs to be, then repeat the algorithm until it's in the right orientation. Easy enough? I hope so. Here's how your cube should look.


Figure 7

Step 3 - Middle Edges
    At this point in time it's best to flip your cube 180 degrees so white is now on bottom and yellow is now on top. Remember, the F/B/U/D/L/R indicates the face you're manipulation depending on how you're holding the cube, they don't correlate to any specific color. Now we'll be solving the middle edges. This is an exciting step because your cube will start to resemble the finished solution. The first thing you'll want to do is get one of the edge pieces lined up with the middle piece below it, similar to how you solved the cross in step 1. There are two ways they can be lined up (remember each piece only has 1 place it's supposed to go.) They are shown in the two figures below:


Figures 8 and 9: Note these are not the same configuration

   In both cases, the red will be considered the front face.

    Case 1 (Figure 8): U,R, Ui, Ri, Ui, Fi, U, F.

    Case 2 (Figure 9): Ui, Fi, U, F, U, R, Ui, Ri.

Repeat this for each corner piece. If you have a middle edge piece stuck in the wrong place you can use this algorithm once to get it out, move it to the correct place, then repeat it to put it in it's correct place. Here is the result after you finish this step.

Figure 10

Step 4 - The Top Cross
    This will be similar to step 1, but we won't worry about lining up the correct edge pieces just yet, we'll do that in the next step because it's easiest to keep these parts separate. As of now your top layer should resemble one of the following.

Figures 11, 12, and 13. Note there can be other yellow squares present.

    These are the only three possible configurations unless your cross is already solved, in which case you're extremely lucky. Regardless, whichever one you're on determines how many times you repeat the following algorithm. Figure 11 you'll repeat it the most times (about 3) and figure 13 you'll only need to do it once. Note that if you start at Figure 11, you may have to reorientate your cube to make it look like one of the above figures. So here's the algorithm: F, R, U, Ri, Ui, Fi. Repeat as necessary. The following figure is an example of what your cube might look like. The only important part is the yellow cross on top, also note that the edge and corner pieces aren't matched yet. That is coming up next.


Figure 14

Step 5 - Matching the Edge Pieces of the Cross
    This part should be fairly easy. All we're doing is matching up the yellow/anycolor edges up with the color of the center piece below, similar to how we did the first white cross (Figure 3). Until you learn some of the shortcuts, you'll just have to keep repeating the algorithm until you get everything lined up. It shouldn't take more than 3-4 times. First, line up at least one of the edge pieces with where it's supposed to go, as illustrated.


Figure 15

    With the blue face as your "Front" face, perform the following algorithm several times until every edge piece matches up similar to your first white cross. Use this algorithm: R, U, Ri, U, R, 2U, Ri. Repeat until all edge pieces match up with the center pieces below them. The final result is pictured below:


Figure 16

Step 6 - Rotating the Corners
    In this step we're just rotating the corner pieces around so they're at least in the correct position - we'll change the orientation in step 7 and we'll be done! I've found the easiest way to do this is make sure the corner piece in the "top right" position is in the correct place and use the algorithm from there, this ensures the fastest route possible is taken (using this algorithm, anyway.) If all pieces are in incorrect spots just start on any side, it doesn't matter. Here's an example of a good place to start, using red as your "front" face, of course.


Figure 17

    The algorithm used to switch the corner pieces is: U, R, Ui, Li, U, Ri, Ui, L. Remember the corner pieces just have to be in the correct position, not the correct orientation. If after the corner pieces are in their correct position, there is a slight chance that they will already be correctly oriented. If that's the case, you're lucky. If not, continue to step 7!

Step 7 - Orientating the Last Corner Pieces
    This last step is a little finicky and can take some patience/creativity to solve. To keep things simple I'm just going to teach one last algorithm, although there are at least 4 you can use to solve it faster depending on how your cube is set up at this point. I'll show you a couple different scenarios and you should be able to decide how to proceed from there. First of all I'll show you what exactly this algorithm does to help you figure it out with a little bit of intuitiveness (yes, that's a word.) Here is the algorithm used in this step (I know, it's very long, but bear with me!): L, U, Li, U, L, 2U, Li, Ri, Ui, R, Ui, Ri, 2U, R

Figure 18: The best way I can describe what happens is the two corner pieces on the right face turn the upper-face of the corner "in-wards."


  • Scenario 1: There are two same-colored cubes adjacent to each other. You can solve at least these two corner pieces in one move without messing anything else up. Just use the algorithm once, easy as pie.


Figure 19


  • Scenario 2: There are two opposite-colored cubes adjacent to each other. Same deal as scenario 1 but you'll need to perform it twice (once to get them to the same color, once again to orient them correctly.)


Figure 20


  • Scenario 3: One corner piece is solved, but there are 3 that are unsolved. In this case you'll have to use your best judgment using your knowledge. If two corners have adjacent colors facing up, set up those two on the right face and use the algorithm in that orientation first. If not, it's super important to orient one of the outside corners first. If you solve the corner connecting the other two you will have two non-contiguous unsolved corners, which will just take you longer to solve.
  • Scenario 4: Two unsolved corners at opposite corners of the cube. This is the biggest pain in the butt. See if you can solve one of the cubes by picturing how it will be oriented after you use the algorithm (refer to figure 18.) This will most likely take 3 tries until it's solved. So after you finish this step you should be done!

    This is the first version if this tutorial. There are likely typos which aren't a huge deal, but if you keep trying and trying and this guide isn't helping you solve your Rubik's cube, there may be a typo in one of the algorithms. If this is the case, please don't hesitate to e-mail and I'll see if I can fix it. dougwelch@gmail.com

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- 628
136 CommentsAdd a Comment
Jared on Feb 23, 2018
Literally useless. Thanks for wasting my time. Also, thanks for not explaining how to get to step 1 in THE FIRST PLACE!
Prajwal Shrestha on Feb 27, 2015
It's so nice TUTORIAL CUBE PAGE. I LEARNED to SOLVE the CUBE in 2 days. THANKS A LOT to FRIDRICH. I am from Lalitpur, a neighbouring city of Kathmandu, NEPAL. I AM 9 YEARS and 2 MONTHS OLD BOY now (STUDYING in FOURTH GRADE)and with that 2 days' practice I CAN NOW SOLVE THE CUBE within JUST 2 MINUTES. SEE my VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY2kFnVxNO0 I HIGHLY APPRECIATE and RECOMMEND THIS TUTORIAL CUBE PAGE to all BEGINNER LEARNERS.
Prajwal Shrestha on Feb 27, 2015
It's so nice TUTORIAL CUBE PAGE. I LEARNED to SOLVE the CUBE in 2 days. THANKS A LOT to FRIDRICH. I am from Lalitpur, a neighbouring city of Kathmandu, NEPAL. I AM 9 YEARS and 2 MONTHS OLD now (STUDYING in FOURTH GRADE)and with that 2 days' practice I CAN NOW SOLVE THE CUBE within JUST 2 MINUTES. SEE my VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY2kFnVxNO0 I HIGHLY APPRECIATE and RECOMMEND THIS TUTORIAL CUBE PAGE to all BEGINNER LEARNERS.
Prajwal Shrestha on Feb 27, 2015
It's so nice CUBE PAGE. I LEARNED to SOLVE the CUBE in 2 days. THANKS A LOT to FRIDRICH. I am from (Lalitpur, a neighbouring city of Kathmandu, NEPAL. I AM 9 YEARS and 2 MONTHS OLD now and with that 2 days' practice I CAN NOW SOLVE THE CUBE within JUST 2 MINUTES. SEE my VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY2kFnVxNO0
Kedar Shrestha on Feb 9, 2015
Very fine tutorial! MY SON, a fourth graded primary school student of just 9 years and 2 months old boy, LEARNED to SOLVE THE CUBE in TWO days and by JUST TWO DAYS PRACTICE, he solves it within 2 minutes!
Nick on Feb 2, 2014
step 7 is not working
Rexy on Dec 28, 2013
tried step 6 more than 20 times without success.
Isabelle Laroche on Dec 18, 2013
My cube is really messed up and your guide-to-solving-a-rubikss-cube it not working!
amelia on Apr 4, 2013
your tutorial has many correct points but for the part of orienting and rotating the edges i had 2 go 2 other sites please explain it properly because every time i reached that step i had 2 start over again.
Amy E on Apr 2, 2013
I took the center pieces off my cube to adjust the tension. I twisted the cube way too much and can't tell where to put the center pieces back. The cube has center locations labeled as 1, 2, 3, and 4. Do you know what colors these refer to for center pieces?
Ramesh on Mar 24, 2013
super tutorial
Rataele on Feb 3, 2013
Thanks it was indeed helpful and addictive i couldn't sleep without finishing .
bharath on Jan 19, 2013
this tutorial is indeed useful, but, i was not able to make the white cross at first
John on Feb 6, 2013
Making the cross is intutive step you dont need algorithm for it. All you have to do is- find a white edge piece having same color as of lateral face centre .try to get that piece to the bottom layer(with the color facing down). And then bring it to top. For help you can visit learn2cube.com
Md shadman on Jan 7, 2013
Yeah i did it .thanks ....Phew , that war tiring and frustrating . Step 6 needs to be done many times . And the last step is ridiculus like a hackers password. But really thanks cauz i did it.
Stefaan on Jan 4, 2013
I didn't believe it would work, after thirty years trying on and off, mostly off we have at last got the solution. Wasn't mister Rubik a clever chap.
John on Feb 6, 2013
I have also learnt from this site. but i would recomend learn2cube.com . I got few more algorithms from there and can solve it in about a minute.
viggy on Dec 30, 2012
fuck of i didnt undrestand anything
NoCorndogs on Jan 28, 2013
You fuck OFF and learn to spell!!!
anymous on Nov 24, 2016
i agree cause i dont understand
asher on Dec 28, 2012
i like it I WILL TRY
Dhanush Kasturi on Dec 22, 2012
Awesome nice i aldery no t forumala but after that i dont no
Nabeel on Dec 16, 2012
thanx fr the tutrail!!! :) but i didnt get it!! :)
prajwal on Nov 28, 2012
I did not understand
zoooooooooooooo on Nov 7, 2012
very easy to see steps and very hard to solve it
ooooo on Nov 7, 2012
ok do it your self
Martin on Oct 12, 2012
Easy to follow, works perfect...
Polly on Oct 11, 2012
i cant solve it someone help meeeeeeeeeee
AnupAdhikari on Nov 26, 2012
got to rubiks.com for easy lessons.
muzaffar on Oct 29, 2012
where have you been stuck ...
Niharika on Aug 25, 2012
Its very easy to solve the cube...
Andrei on Aug 13, 2012
Step 5: right goes back, back goes left, left goes right. Front stays the same. Step 6: front right corner stays put, right back goes left back, left back goes left front, left front goes right back. Step 7: changes the 2 corners on the right
Andrei on Aug 6, 2012
Why does this has -484? It helped me do it. One small correction tho: If step 5 does not work, do the algorithm from step 6 and try again but looking at an unsolved face.
anrew flintoff on Jul 28, 2012
Robert on May 17, 2012
ever thought that the corners wouldn't have the right colors? ex.: i have blue,red and yellow faces but corner has yellow green and orange :/
Cheryl on Mar 25, 2012
OMG i have a really hard one that doesn't have colours SOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD!!!!!
Andrew on Jan 18, 2012
Guys, I have an easier website to learn from Go to www.chessandpoker.com Then go to the left hand column and go to the top of it. You will see Rubik's Cube Solution there and click on it
Tyler on Jan 15, 2012
Soooooooooo helpful thanks
Diogo on Jan 13, 2012
Thanks man, this helps a lot. Ijole man, tas masiso esta mu bien hecho el tutorial camarada!
Too Old Mama on Jan 8, 2012
it is too wordy and needs to be simpler sorry!!
Kelsey on Jan 4, 2012
I don't get it, and I'm on step 1. If it says 2R, how am I suppossed to know what to move right? What layer do I move? All of them, or a specific layer?
Alicia on Feb 10, 2012
2R means move the right face 2 times clockwise... if it ever says say "2Ri" it means right face 2 times counter clockwise..
vishwanath on Feb 1, 2012
move the right piece two times
Vega on Dec 20, 2011
i do not get it!!!!!
t miller on Jan 3, 2012
I got it I finish the cube
Aditya Singh on Dec 10, 2011
I don't like this its very bad
hyunu on Dec 6, 2011
thanks, but i have to agree with andrew. it looked a bit confusing luckily i found another source that makes it more clear
skyler on Nov 26, 2011
it's hard for me to do the rubiks cube
Andrew on Nov 24, 2011
I can't get Step 5! I have everything set up correctly and have repeated the algorithm many times and it's always the blue ends up in the right spot again, but a different other one is right. Like, blue will stay correct, and green will be correct but red and orange will be switched. Then, if I do it again, red will be correct and green and orange will be switched. Help!
Deeja on Dec 29, 2011
perform the algorithm on one of the messed up ones. have the one that needs to be switched in front, and a correct one on the right. hope this helps!
neme on Nov 23, 2011
this site is awesome when i got the cube right and filled out i started dancing thank you SO MUCH THANK YOU
Jessicat on Nov 6, 2011
I have a rubik cube that is glittery. The colors are white, pink, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It is a 3x3. So I have somting like figue 3 but blue on the R and purple on the F. Another thing, more blue is on the R than the 2 square down the from white cross. There' more purple on the F than just the 2 square line infront of the white cross U.... Is this wrong? How do I know which color is which when coding based on original rubix cube colors?
rhona on Oct 13, 2011
works really good!!
Qian on Oct 7, 2011
I don't understand
Steve on Sep 21, 2011
I don't get along with this. When I used a video on Youtube it helped me more (even though the same algorithms were used). I think the description of the single steps is not as easy as it was in the video...
Deepa on Sep 19, 2011
Outstanding ! Thanks so much. Feel super thrilled at having solved the rubix cube.. Finally !! Thanks again. Detailed yet simple to follow explanations. Great job!
Niki on Sep 14, 2011
This Was the best site ever.I was searching the internet for about 30 minutes.Thank you very very much.
Rubik on Sep 12, 2011
This was incredibly helpful!!! THANK YOU!! For some reason I can't seem to get step 7 with the R'D'RD, but your set up worked, thank you!!!
lool on Sep 10, 2011
im so proud this kind of challenge
Rosie on Aug 26, 2011
This is stressing me out!
Will on Aug 25, 2011
This helped a lot.....cheers mate
sasha on Aug 20, 2011
no matter how many times i try i can not seem to make the last step work. Everything else works great but when i get to fliping the corners the right way it never works. help!
kunal on Aug 17, 2011
sadela solution
thanes on Jun 26, 2011
i can solve it in 30 seconds.
rubiks on Jul 7, 2011
world record is of avg 5.66 sec. this mean in 30 sec he can nearly finished 6 3*3 cube.........;P
Sclusive on Apr 8, 2011
This is the best site I've been to. Ive been going through sites for like 45 minutes to just find the original algorithms that come with the book (which I inconveniently lost). I couldn't find shit so I got pissed and ended up typing "simple fucking algorithms for rubiks cube." It worked.
woojin on Apr 1, 2011
this is kind ofuseful but instead go on www.cubefreak.net
jgguguuh on Mar 18, 2011
john on Mar 6, 2011
good formula.. but hard to learn cause by less guide.. the diagram vey simple... no intersting..
like23blackguyz on Feb 24, 2011
Bravo bravo. You confused me. This fucking sucks!!!
Selvaraj on Feb 17, 2011
This doesnt work for me
Xena on Jan 2, 2011
Thanks so much for this, my Rubrik cube has been driving me crazy and now thanks to this tutorial, it is solved, hooray, thanks so much again for this
bigballer83 on Dec 21, 2010
dude ur a fuckin bitch ur tutorial sucks ass if u wanna figure out how to solve a rubix cube the right way look up ur dads pussy... Fuck u P.S ur mom should invest in a razor. BITCH
Aditya on Dec 11, 2010
thanks a lot dude!!!u saved me sleepless nite!!
sean on Dec 3, 2010
what is i stand for ?
jjhgihkjhgkjhg on Jan 26, 2011
inverted(counter clockwise)
Ushnish on Nov 5, 2010
Just tell the steps man!!!!!
Cher on Nov 4, 2010
Awesome tutorial! The only site that I found that I could actually follow and understand! Yay...I finally figured the crazy thing out :) Thanks!
Micheal on Oct 21, 2010
To easy, Give me a harder Puzzle.
urmama on Oct 16, 2010
Yeah, it didn't help me. I didn't get it. And how come there's a -95 if alot of people liked it in the coments?
vega on Dec 20, 2011
i don't get it either!!!
karx on Oct 9, 2010
Hurray i solved it. dude u r the best. it helped me a lot
kuldeep on Sep 15, 2011
Thank u :) :)
qpzmal on Oct 8, 2010
very very helpful
hema nandhini on Sep 3, 2010
this tutorial is very nice to learn thank you very much
PickleSHit on Aug 23, 2010
good job, helped alot
Aman on Jul 30, 2010
bicru on Jun 16, 2010
Why mess it in the first place, my rubix is still in the packing not messed up. thanks for the idea in case some one messes with it.
Riz Khan on Jun 11, 2010
It helps...........cheers
stew on Apr 21, 2010
really helped. thanks.
Jimmy on Feb 28, 2010
Good tutorial. But I think in step 7, you should tell that 2 piece on the left didn't move. Without it, It take me more than an hour to solve it & make my rubik change to 4 scenario.
mimi on Feb 27, 2010
i am trying my best.
mimi on Feb 27, 2010
always the other sides get disorder. how to overcome this problem?
mimi on Feb 27, 2010
how to fix the problem?
kuldeep on Sep 15, 2011
With Paste/Gum
John on Dec 23, 2009
try searching"solve my rubiks cube" i comes up with a site where you put in the exact configuration and it solves it for you. its really easy.
Artin on Dec 6, 2009
that's what am talkimg about.
ARASH on Dec 6, 2009
WOW it is SOLVED .thanks alot .far better than some other sites.
Sara on Nov 28, 2009
Got it! Thanks.
mimi on Feb 27, 2010
are u a girl?
star on Nov 28, 2009
it sucks i cant do it
kuldeep on Sep 15, 2011
me tooo dude :( :'(
hazel on Oct 30, 2009
what a headache!!!!
Joshua on Oct 15, 2009
i hope this works i only need last step thanks
Lauran on Oct 10, 2009
I Still Have no idea
Cubeman on Jun 16, 2010
Try a hammer,that might work for you.
Willy on Aug 31, 2009
Bravo... a good walkthrough
Haymik on Jul 2, 2009
For figure 9, this algorithm would be easy to remember : Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi the exact opposite of Fig.8.... This tutorial helped me a lot... ThanX... :)
chris molla on Jun 16, 2009
it's okay but put in steps how to do a messed up rubix cube
T-MAN on Nov 4, 2009
it is messed up these steps are universal
Butch on Jun 8, 2009
This is the easiest tutorial by far. Thanks a lot. You deserve an applause, clap clap clap !
tommy on May 23, 2009
im stuck at step 6, the step where u change the corner thing, everytime i perform the algorithm, my white side gets messed up, 1 piece from the corner goes sumwhere else
solver on Jul 20, 2010
just keep dooing it it solves it
Anonymous on May 20, 2009
ANONYMOUS on May 20, 2009
Gabe on May 15, 2009
My uncle taught me a different way about a year ago. I was helping my friend finish hers, and then i realized that i couldnt remeber the very last step! it has something to do with always keeping yellow on top... And then the last step is to move the middle part down, twist the face a direction and... I cant remember the rest!
ferdie on May 13, 2009
thanks.,,nice tutorial, simple one., two thumbs-up for you.
matt on May 3, 2009
what is Li Ui and Ri mean, L, U, Li, U, L, 2U, Li, Ri, Ui, R, Ui, Ri, 2U, R could you put like TL for Top left, BL for bottom left ML... you know, make it clearer
poop on Oct 18, 2010
Li is left inverted or left counterclockwise
linZ on Feb 22, 2009
This is so stupid, it makes NO sense!
Mickey on Jan 17, 2009
I dont understand the last three steps
Zeelee on Jan 16, 2009
yeah this looks like it'll really help. THX!
Billy on Jan 9, 2009
Rosalie on Sep 27, 2008
this tutorial is great! i only used the last algorithm cuz the one i had someone show me was faulty. but im sure the rest is good too. thanks so much!
roen on Aug 17, 2008
tnx for the tutorial
jose on Aug 2, 2008
i think my cube is mess up cuz red is at the laft and blue is at the right
pitoy on Jul 27, 2008
boo boo you suck it!
Gordon on Jun 25, 2008
Ty, good ideas.
Luiz on Jun 24, 2008
The tutoruial helps me a lot!!! Thank you
Mario on Jun 13, 2008
I was looking for this all over the web and finaly found it ....Thanks. Solved it
ashley on Jun 10, 2008
uhmm a little question (no offense). when you do the tutorial what rubiks do you need a fixed rubiks or a scrambled rubiks?
Jenny on Apr 24, 2008
Thanks! That was so easy to understand. =)
anne on Apr 8, 2008
this one is so cool, and so easy to understand compare to other sites. Thank's for this information
Marty on Mar 9, 2008
best directions ever... works really good if you use it along with pogobat's (dan brown) videos on Youtube.com... thanks
Austin on Mar 6, 2008
Awsome steps, way better than the other sites I've gone to.
Jeff on Jan 5, 2008
+ 1
Sweet tutorial, thanks.
  • Views : 28951
  • Comments : 136
  • Rating : - 628
  • Last Updated : Aug 10, 2007