A Delicious Vegan Chocolate Cake

herbalista Feb 14, 2008 Food
So you're a vegan, but you haven't given up dessert. You can find delicious soy ice "cream" but you need cake to put under it! I mean, you can eat cake without ice cream, or ice cream without cake, but the two belong together. All the cake recipes in the cookbooks have eggs or butter or both. And you can try substitution, but that gets tricky when you're baking. Let's solve the dilemma! This is going to be the easiest cake you've ever made. You don't even need a bowl! Here's what you do:
A Delicious Vegan Chocolate Cake

So you're a vegan, but you haven't given up dessert. You can find delicious soy ice "cream" but you need cake to put under it! I mean, you can eat cake without ice cream, or ice cream without cake, but the two belong together.

All the cake recipes in the cookbooks have eggs or butter or both. And you can try substitution, but that gets tricky when you're baking. Let's solve the dilemma!

This is going to be the easiest cake you've ever made. You don't even need a bowl! Here's what you do:

1) Turn the oven to 350 degrees F. Take half a stick of vegan margarine out of the refrigerator.

2) Take an 8 by 8 inch pan, and put the following ingredients into it:

1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
3 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
1/4 tsp. salt

Stir these ingredients thoroughly with a whisk.

3) Make a well in these dry ingredients, and put the following into it:

3 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract

4) Mix the following and pour it over everything in the pan:

1 cup water
2 tsp. vinegar

Working quickly, use the whisk to combine the ingredients thoroughly. If there's still a streak of flour here and there, that's okay, but you don't want a lot of lumps.

5) Put the cake in the oven and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until it springs back when gently pushed in the center. Do not over bake; if the sides are starting to pull away from the pan, pull it out of the oven now!

6) Allow the cake to cool. While it's cooling, take the vegan margarine and whip it with a mixer. When it's gotten soft and fluffy, add about 2 cups of powdered sugar and 1 tsp. of vanilla. Mix slowly, at first, so you don't throw sugar all over the kitchen and yourself. As it combines and thickens, add vanilla soy milk or creamer 1 tbsp. at a time, until it reaches perfect frosting consistency.

7) The cake should be cool by now, so frost it!

* If you want to turn the cake out and frost the sides also, mix it in a bowl and grease the pan and dust it with cocoa before adding the cake batter.
* You can double these recipes. If you want to bake a layer cake, double the recipe (including the frosting) and use two 8 inch round pans.

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  • Last Updated : Feb 14, 2008