How To Create a Captivating Personal Profile

hmcs62 May 5, 2008 Internet
You Can Create a memorable Personal Profile and meet the love of your life.
Writing your personal profile and making it stand out from the multitude of ads on dating sites is not that complex. There is no need to be a best selling author in order to write an amazing, and memorable personal profile.

When you decide to compose a personal ad, there are several key words which you can use as a guide to make your profile more than just ordinary. Whether you're advertising on the World Wide Web or in a printed publication, you want to make a first-rate impression and catch the attention of the right person, or the one who will ascribe to the same attributes and interests which you are seeking. Some of these words include: give, describe, mention, highlight, inform, be and when. Of course, you may come up with other terms to help create an appealing summary of yourself.

Give a brief introduction about yourself which you think may be of interest to the reader, such as your age, occupation, education and income level, special interests or hobbies, physical attributes or other characteristics. Remember to apply good grammar and accurate spelling which are key elements to writing a first-rate ad. You may wish to include a picture of yourself. If you decide to add a photo, make certain the photo is of you and not someone else. The image should be current and a sharp close-up. A headshot would be preferable. Avoid photos of you taken with your children, family members or friends. The reader wants to see you, and only you. If you want the reader to know that you are a parent of minor children, mention it in your profile. If a relationship does develop, he or she will have plenty of time to meet the people in your life.

Describe what qualities, attributes or characteristic you are seeking in an individual, and be specific in describing the kind of person you are interested in meeting. Include your specific preferences, values, and goals.

Mention what type of relationship you are interested in, and be straightforward. Are you seeking a long or short-term relationship, a marriage-minded person, a life-time partner, lover, friend, activity partner or pen pal? If you're just looking for a friend with benefits, then say so.

Highlight more hidden attributes than physical features when you describe yourself. Accentuate such qualities as considerate, sensitive, compassionate, patient, confident, serious, open-minded, reasonable, and caring.

Inform the reader how you may be contacted. At first you may not want to give your home address or phone number. Most printed publications will keep this information confidential and assign you a code number. If you're advertising on the Internet, do not give out this information until you have developed a trusting rapport with the person responding to your ad. Do not use your primary email address to make contact. Set up a secondary free email account with a service such as Yahoo or Hotmail to conduct your communication.

Be honest, and be as brief or as detailed as you wish. Remember the volume of responses you receive may depend on the quality of information contained in your profile.

When a person responds to your ad and you are not interested, be courteous; a simple thank you, but I am not interested at this time, would be nice.

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  • Last Updated : May 5, 2008