How to Feng Shui Your Purse

FengShuiLady Apr 27, 2008 Other
Carrying an overstuffed purse can lead to as much frustration as a cluttered home. Free up your flow of Ch'i with these simple tips.




When speaking of Feng Shui it is usually in relation to our homes, offices, or other spaces which we occupy. However, there are other aspects which we may never consider, that are equally important. We carry pieces of our environments with us everywhere we go, and these things can seriously affect us. Ladies, it is time! Yes, we are going to take a look at applying Feng Shui to our purses. However strange this may sound the pieces of our lives that we literally lug with us everywhere we go can weigh us down. Think about the frustration of digging for keys, a pen, or anyting else you need quickly, and how you feel when this happens. It can really upset the balance of your day. Take a few minutes right now to talke a burden off of your shoulders.

When applying Feng Shui to our environments one of the first steps is to declutter. Empty out that purse and start taking inventory. If it is full of scraps of paper, old receipts, business cards, candy or a miniature pharmacy organize and declutter NOW!

Decide which items you really need and let the rest go. A small organizer will be perfect for this task. Tuck business cards in, write important phone numbers down, notes and anything else that may be on scraps of paper floating around. Receipts of "importance" may be filed here as well.

Put all money and loose change neatly into your wallet. We attract abundance when we treat our money as something we value and appreciate instead of stuffing crumpled bills into pockets or purses.

Find a pleasing makeup bag and assemble what you need for daily touch-ups. This is also a great place to keep any medications that you may need. You will always be able to put your fingers on them when needed.

Lastly, assess the purse itself. Do you love it? Does it make a statement about you? Does it meet all of your needs? If you can't answer yes to ALL of these questions then it is time to let that purse go and find the PERFECT one!

When you apply Feng Shui to even the smallest areas of your life you will be amazed at the uplifting results!




Happy Cleaning!

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  • Last Updated : Apr 27, 2008