How To Write A Succeesful Profile On Dating Sites

mystery1978 May 5, 2008 Other
This will help you to write a successful dating profile.

Writing profiles on a dating website it can be very frustrating. The worst part of it can be when you are finished and you do not receive emails even after contacting someone. Not getting a response from an email is often many times not related to what your email states but instead what you have in your profile.

If you use the following tips to write your profile you should find that you will get more responses.

1. Come up with an original headline that uses seven or fewer words to describe any of the following: your personality, your best quality, what you are looking for, or something that is original and funny.

2. Be brief, now is not the time to share your life story.

3. Use fewer words to express your thoughts, leave out words that are unnecessary.

4. Do you have a job? Make sure to mention what you do for a living unless it embarrasses you. People look for others who are financially secure or at least work.

5. Talk about your best qualities but do not brag.

6. Share your hobbies and interests. You want to find someone that has things in common with you.

7. Share your goals, people look for others who have a direction in life.

8. Make sure to include what type of a relationship that you are looking for.

9. State the qualities that you are looking for in a mate.

10. Spell check and use proper punctuation.

If you do not get the results that you are wishing for after a week or two, rewrite part or all of your profile. Perfecting a profile can take time and practice. For men I have found that most times you often need to email someone first before they read your profile. Most women get so many emails that they do not read profiles until they have some interest in a man. Then the profile will make the difference.

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  • Last Updated : May 5, 2008