Increase Your Search Engine Visibility

zole Apr 30, 2008 Internet
Do you want to make legitimate money online with your website? Then you must have a steady flow of visitors to your site.
Do you want to make legitimate money online with your website? Then you must have a steady flow of visitors to your site. There are several ways to increase traffic to your website. Buying traffic is an option if you have money to spend. However, that's not always an option for those who are on a budget and the quality of the traffic you purchase is always questionable and usually worthless. There is a better way that costs nothing. The best types of visitors you can get to your website are the ones that are searching for what you're selling. These visitors are more likely to buy from you. So, it is extremely important that you're website is search engine friendly. If the search engines can't find you, then you are losing out on a very important source of traffic that can generate more profits for you.

Search engines play a key role in today's online businesses and many companies on the Internet rely heavily on it to produce a steady flow of income. You can take advantage of what search engines can offer you by ensuring that your website is visible to the them. These search engine companies use software known as spiders or search bots. These programs crawl the web and record websites that will be indexed into the search engines. If you want these bots to record your website, there are several vital things that you must do to ensure your site is indexed well and not ignored.

Did you know that search engines can't read images, graphics and videos? It's true, they can only read and index text. So, if you're website is full of fancy graphics and animation but contains a limited amount of text, you might as well leave your website blank, because that's all the search engines will see. Keep in mind too that text imbedded in image files can't be read either. If your not sure if the text in your website is readable to search bots, you can look at the HTML source code of your site. The source code is what the bots see. If the text in your website isn't visible in the code, then guess what? Search bots can't read it either. Text is key. The more text you have the better your chances of being indexed well. So resist the urge to "pimp your site" with all of those pretty graphics and animation and stick to basic text with fewer graphics. Besides, many people find sites full of these frills to be an annoyance.

The most important text that your website should contain is your keywords. You must analyze what keywords are relevant to your site and predict which one's people will type in the boxes of the search engines to find you. Keyword analysis is beyond the scope of this article but is something that you should research thoroughly. The most important thing you should know about keywords is where to insert them into your page. Your title should contain a few of your best keywords. Search engines base what keywords are the most important for a site by determining it's relevance. The more relevant it is, the higher the rank it is given and the more likely it is to be displayed when someone searches for it. The title usually is a great indication of what a website is all about. Therefore, it makes sense to put top keywords in the title. The description of your site should also contain your top keywords. As a general rule, the closer a keyword appears in the top of the page, the better chance it has to rank well with the search engines. However, you shouldn't ignore putting keywords in the middle or bottom of the page. Search engines also look at how frequent the keywords appear throughout the webpage before determining their relevance. Do not over use these words. You could be penalized by the search engines if they are repeated too much. Be moderate but consistent when placing your keywords. The quality of the text should not be compromised by too many keywords. If it reads like a broken record, tone it down some.

Finally, don't waste your hard earned money on companies that claim to give your site a top ranking in the big search engines or the ones that will submit your site to thousands of engines claiming to save you time. No one can guarantee you a top listing. Ranking well is determined by factors outside of any advertisement company's reach. Besides, you only need to submit your website to a handful of search engines. A majority of searches done on the Internet come from Google, Yahoo and MSN alone. These are the only search engines you really need to pay attention to. A lot of the smaller search engines that you may or may not have heard of are powered by the top three mentioned above.

You don't have to waste loads of cash on low quality traffic that will result in poor results. Search engines can deliver much higher quality traffic for your website. Being highly visible to the search engines is critical to ranking well with them. Don't make the mistakes of losing out on this potentially valuable source of visitors. The better you rank, the more likely it is that people will find your website, and that of course means making more legitimate money online. So, make your website stand out for the search engines and watch the stream of visitors that will follow. Good luck to you and your success!

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