Common Spanish Words, Spanish Phrases, and Conversations
Nada = None
No = No
Sí = Yes
Yo (soy / estoy) = I am...
Seňor / Seňora / Seňorita = Mister / Mrs. / Miss
Cómo está el tiempo? = How is the weather?
Qué tiempo hace? = What is the weather like?
Bien = Good
Mal = Bad
Hace calor. = It's hot.
Hace frio. = It's cold.
Hace buen tiempo. = It's a nice weather.
Hace mal tiempo. = It's a bad weather.
El tiempo está feo. = The weather is bad.
Está templado. = It is fair.
Está soleado. = It's sunny.
Está despejado. = It's clear.
Está nublado. = It's cloudy.
Está oscuro. = It's dark.
Está humedo. = It's humid.
Está cálido. = It's warm.
Está fresco. = It's cool.
Está nevando. = It's snowing.
Está granizando. = It's hailing.
Está tempestuoso. = It's storming.
Está Lloviendo. = It's raining.
Hay Llueve. = There's rain. / It's raining.
Hay nieva. = There's snow. / It's snowing.
Hay graniza. = There's hail. / It's hailing.
Hay tormenta. = There's a thunderstorm.
Hay relámpagos. = There's lightning.
Hay alta presíon. = There's high pressure.
Hay baja presíon. = There's low pressure.
Hay viento. = There's wind. / It's windy.
Hay niebla. = There is fog. / It's foggy.
Qúe? = What?
Qúe es? = What is it?
Cuántos? = How much? (male)
Cuántas? = How much? (female)
Cuánto cuesta? = How much is it?
Cúal? = Which?
Quíen? = Who?
Cómo? = How?
Por qúe? = Why?
Dónde? = Where?
Cuándo? = When?
Ahora / Hoy = Now
Maňana = Tomorrow
Ayer = Yesterday
Lunes = Monday
Martes = Tuesday
Miercoles = Wednesday
Jueves = Thursday
Viernes = Friday
Sabado = Saturday
Dominggo = Sunday
La maňana = The morning
La tarde = The afternoon
Buenos diaz! = Good morning! / Good day!
Buenos tardes! = Good afternoon!
Buenos noches! = Good evening!
Hóla! = Hello! / Hi!
Cómo estas? / Cómo esta usted? = How are you?
Qúe tal? = What's up?
Estoy bien. = I'm fine.
Estoy enfermo. = I'm sick.
Estoy cansado. = I'm tired.
Tengo sed. = I'm thirsty.
Tengo hambe. = I'm hungry.
Beber = to Drink
Comen = to Eat
Un café = Coffee
Un té = Tea
Un zumo = Juice
La cerveza = Beer
La manzana = Apple
El platano = Banana
El limon = Lemon
Naranja = Orange
Delicioso = Delicious!
Gracias! = Thank you!
De nada. = You're welcome. / Don't mention it (It's nothing).
Cúal es tu nombre? = What is your name?
Mi nombre es [Marian]. = My name is [Marian].
Mi Llamo [Mary]. = I am (also) called [Mary].
Cuántos aňos? = How old are you?
Yo tengo 25 aňos. = I'm 25 years old.
De dónde (eres / es ud)? = Where are you from?
The United States. = Estados Unidos.
Usted habla Espaňol? = Do you speak Spanish?
Creo qúe si = I think so...
Hablo Ingles. = I speak English.
No hablo Ingles. = I don't speak English.
No hablo (Alaman / Russo). = I don't speak (German / Russian).
No entiendo. = I don't understand.
No recuerdo la palabra para (word). = I have forgotten the word for (___).
Cómo se dice en Espaňol? = How do you say that in Spanish?
Cómo se pronuncia? How do you pronounce that?
No ló se. = I don't know.
Qúe quiere decir? = What does that mean?
Puede usted explicarlo, por favor? = Could you explain that, please?
Puede usted repetirlo, por favor? = Can you repeat that please?
Háble más lento, por favor. = Speak slower, please.
Con gusto. = With pleasure.
Yo voy = I'm going...
Dónde vi ves? = Where do you live?
Yo voy = I'm going...
Dónde vi ves? = Where do you live?
No importa! = It's not important! / It doesn't matter. / Forget it!
Lo siento. = I'm sorry.
No me molesta. = It's ok. / I don't mind.
Yo voy = I'm going...
Hasta luego. = See you later.
Hasta pronto. = See you soon.
Hasta la vista. = Until next time. / Until then.
Adios! / Chao! = Good bye!
Bye = Bye...
Te amo. = I love you.
Yo tambien. = Me too...