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How to Rent a Cheal Rental Car

Do you want to rent a cheap rental car, or rent a car for cheap? Do you want to paying a lot less than $40 a day for a decent rental car when out of town on vacation. I have always been skeptical of web sites such as Priceline and Hotwire, however after a...
Views 1472 | Rating 7 | Comments 1| Date Jan 9, 2008

Flush The Cooling System On Your Car or Truck

Your cooling system should be flushed every other year. No, I'm not crazy, but with all the new chemicals they use today, it will literally eat up the rubber hoses and deteriorate the heater core, and the radiator core.
Views 841 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

Car won't crank troubleshooting

If you have a vehicle that won't crank, read below and find out how to get your vehicle back on the road.
Views 922 | Rating -1 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to change car color

This is a tutorial to show you how to change your cars color in photoshop!
Views 784 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 9, 2009

How Much Will It Cost to Maintain Your Next Car?

This article discusses what maintenance costs you can expect during the life your next new or used car.
Views 990 | Rating 17 | Comments 3| Date Jan 27, 2009

Basic Tutorial for Modeling a Car in 3ds Max for Beginners

This tutorial will take you on a step by step easy modeling, to create the car you had always desired to model and pimp.
Views 5955 | Rating -42 | Comments 20| Date Feb 23, 2009

The ultimate pizza crust and recipe!!

did you ever wonder how resturants make the perfect pizza?? well im gona let you in on a little secret you never knew.
Views 908 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date May 22, 2010

How to make your car last longer

According to insurance statistics, neglect of proper routine maintenance is the number one reason for the enormous increase in car repairs being required. With automobiles as your primary source of transportation, taking care of your car makes good sense. By...
Views 1443 | Rating 16 | Comments 1| Date Mar 24, 2008