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How to make Lemoncillo (Italian Lemon drink with vodka)

This is a family recipe for Lemoncillo. Lemoncillo is an Italian drink that takes lemon zest and vodka (or everclear) and combines the two for an amazing cocktail!
Views 10645 | Rating 206 | Comments 23| Date Jan 8, 2008

Learn Tea Making to Start a Tasty Business!

Learn Tea Making to Start a Tasty Business! Shortly, you will understand that taste of tea drink changes with the way you make! Same tea leaf or dust and the very same sugar and milk will give you different tastes when you make differently! It is going...
Views 986 | Rating 2 | Comments 2| Date May 22, 2010

Valentine's Day Drink Recipes

Some different kinds of drink recipes that you might want to try on Valentine's Day or maybe just try on any day! Enjoy!!
Views 834 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 13, 2008