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Making a Wine Glass rack

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a wine glass rack to your home! It is a very simple procedure that actually costs less than $10 to make, and it looks great and is functional as well!
Views 11342 | Rating 72 | Comments 11| Date Aug 9, 2007

How to Create a Mini Yoga Studio at Home

Designing your own mini yoga studio in your home or apartment may seem like a daunting task, but designing a space for yoga may not take much more thought than just rolling out a yoga mat. However, there are a few things to consider to make your home practice...
Views 1116 | Rating 9 | Comments 0| Date May 22, 2010

How To Display Your Heirloom Quilt

Heirloom quilts make lovely displays, but it's important to display the quilt properly to avoid damaging the delicate vintage fabric.
Views 979 | Rating 7 | Comments 0| Date Aug 20, 2008

How To Get the Best Bargain When Buying Secondhand Merchandise

When buying secondhand goods, get the best bargain by following these simple tips.
Views 781 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Aug 16, 2008

The Lazy Person's Guide ~ How to Make Easy, Legal Money

A comprehensive list of 10 easy ways that simply everyone can make money legally. No special skills required, and no outlays. Just turn the assets you already have into active earning sources. None of these are second jobs.
Views 1204 | Rating 5 | Comments 1| Date Apr 30, 2008

How to Decorate on a Budget of $20 or Less Per Room

Post- Thrift Store style doesn't have to be shabby if you follow these great tips and tricks for making any room in your apartment or house look nice!
Views 770 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 24, 2008

How to solve home schooling problems

You’ve started home schooling your children, but things aren’t going exactly as you had planned. The same occurs in public schools, as well. All teachers have bad days; try not to get discouraged. Just take a moment and remember why you wanted to home...
Views 1111 | Rating -1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 5, 2008

Giving Quality of Life for a terminally ill loved one.

Everybody, wants to know how they will be remembered and live in their loved ones hearts. They also want to experience quality of life for as long as possible, so here are some ways to create goals and memories for both the patient and the supporting family.
Views 1334 | Rating 10 | Comments 0| Date Mar 2, 2008

How to get the Most out of Your Foreclosure

Sadly I am an expert on this subject,having watched friends and family go through Home Foreclosures,Chapter 13 Bankruptcies and and so on and so forth. If you plan to stay somewhat sane through this so that you can bounce back later then there is one thing...
Views 809 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 11, 2008