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How to write an ebook

How to make your eBook "user friendly" You must figure out how to keep your writing engaging. Often anecdotes, testimonials, little stories, photos, graphs, advice, and tips will keep the reader turning the pages. Sidebars are useful for quick,...
Views 839 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to Do Business in the U.K.

For small and mid-sized companies, expansion into the European marketplace presents senior management with plenty of challenges many of which you have probably never faced before. Doing business overseas requires the implementation of strategies which are...
Views 779 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jul 12, 2008

Creating an Effective Marketing Plan for any Business

There is no need to get overwhelmed at the thought of having to develop a marketing plan for your business. By following a few basic steps, you can create a comprehensive plan that will provide the necessary blueprint to not only start your business, but to...
Views 799 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date May 10, 2008

How to Market Your Business for Free

Some of the best marketing methods are free, especialy when your first beginning and the cash isn't flowing in yet.
Views 853 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date May 5, 2008

Increase Your Search Engine Visibility

Do you want to make legitimate money online with your website? Then you must have a steady flow of visitors to your site.
Views 921 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 30, 2008

How to boost internet traffic to your blog

Web logs, popularly known as blogs, have become one of the hottest communication tools on the Web. Blogs encourage opinions and interaction while providing forums for people to create their own highly personal presentations to the Web audience. By allowing a...
Views 965 | Rating 5 | Comments 0| Date Mar 18, 2008

Scoop up that Marketing Position

In today's competitive workforce, landing a great marketing job can be taxing. What many of us fail to understand is it's important to sell ourselves. Simply arriving at an interview with the usual answers to questions may not be enough. Read on for some tips...
Views 821 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 11, 2008