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An Unhealthy Eater's Guide ~ How To Make The Right Choices For Good Health

A simple quiz - with self scoring, to help you determine if you're making the right choices for a healthy lifestyle.
Views 893 | Rating 5 | Comments 0| Date Apr 28, 2008

How to make homemade pet food

As a responsible pet owner, you want to give your dog or cat the best care possible. Caring for your pet means feeding him the best diet you can. It may be easier to open a can or bag of pet food bought from the store, but it’s not always better than...
Views 1120 | Rating -2 | Comments 0| Date Mar 22, 2008

How to enhance and improve food flavor

Because taste is such an individual thing, one secret to good cooking is variety. We can all become deadened to taste if we don’t have surprise flavors in our everyday food to add some zip. Take any or all of these ideas and keep them handy in your kitchen....
Views 1076 | Rating 1 | Comments 1| Date Feb 27, 2008