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How to make Mediterranean tuna burgers

This recipe calls for the best quality cut of tuna you can find, first being Bluefin or Bigeye, and second being Yellowfin or Albacore. Fresh tuna’s appearance to beef is really emphasized when you make “hamburgers” out of it. Like beef burgers, tuna...
Views 1067 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 11, 2008

How to make Greek lamb stew with artichokes and orzo

Cooking this fabulous, subtle stew with bone-in lamb adds more to its flavor. This Greek lamb stew is finished off with the classic Mediterranean sauce, Avgolemono, which thickens with eggs and lemon mixed into the broth. Using the Dutch oven is the best...
Views 1259 | Rating 0 | Comments 1| Date Mar 9, 2008