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How to write an ebook

How to make your eBook "user friendly" You must figure out how to keep your writing engaging. Often anecdotes, testimonials, little stories, photos, graphs, advice, and tips will keep the reader turning the pages. Sidebars are useful for quick,...
Views 838 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

Finding the right artist for your self published book.

One obstacle in self publishing is finding an artist for your book. How to find and work with the artist to ensure you will get the book art that you want.
Views 849 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 19, 2008

How to publish your own cookbook

Every year, cookbooks are high on the list of the nation's bestsellers. The trouble is, there are so many cookbook writers and publishers that the odds of any one cookbook becoming a best seller are not much better than a new novel. But, it can be done! This...
Views 1806 | Rating 9 | Comments 0| Date Mar 24, 2008