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How to Brown Bag a Tuna Sandwich

Brown bagging it can save you time and money, but brown bagging a tuna sandwich can often leave you with a soggy bread soaked sandwich by lunchtime. This tutorial will show you how you can have a great tasting freshly made tuna sandwich without the soggy...
Views 1080 | Rating 4 | Comments 0| Date May 20, 2008

How to make Mediterranean tuna burgers

This recipe calls for the best quality cut of tuna you can find, first being Bluefin or Bigeye, and second being Yellowfin or Albacore. Fresh tuna’s appearance to beef is really emphasized when you make “hamburgers” out of it. Like beef burgers, tuna...
Views 1067 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 11, 2008

How to make a Monte Cristo sandwich

Top of any sandwich connoisseur’s favorites is this classic delight, a hybrid of French toast with grilled ham and cheese. Restaurants vary from place to place about exactly how this is cooked, whether on a flat top grill or in a deep-fat fryer. The latter...
Views 949 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date Feb 29, 2008