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Poetry: How To Write a Better, More Creative Poem

If you’re a writer, then at some point you must have had tried writing poetry. Have you written a poem? Who says you can’t write a poem? Anyone can learn how to write a poem.
Views 1691 | Rating 7 | Comments 6| Date Mar 21, 2008

How To Do Your Laundry

So you're off to college now and mom isn't there to pick up your smelly clothes and clean them for you anymore. It's a very simple process, let me show you how it's done.
Views 1259 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Jan 9, 2008

How To Get Into Medical School

Want the specifics of maximizing your shot at becoming a doctor? Want more advice than just - "get good grades and do well on the MCATs?"
Views 4076 | Rating -17 | Comments 9| Date Aug 9, 2007