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How to make whole sauteed Dover sole

Cooking whole fish in a pan, in butter, is a wonderful way of encouraging a crisp, buttery exterior and a perfectly moist interior. And it just doesn’t get any better than doing it with whole Dover sole, especially when it’s just come in fresh from...
Views 1490 | Rating 5 | Comments 0| Date Mar 12, 2008

How to make Mediterranean tuna burgers

This recipe calls for the best quality cut of tuna you can find, first being Bluefin or Bigeye, and second being Yellowfin or Albacore. Fresh tuna’s appearance to beef is really emphasized when you make “hamburgers” out of it. Like beef burgers, tuna...
Views 1067 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 11, 2008

How to make grilled swordfish steaks tapenade

Swordfish can run up to 13 feet long and weigh close to a thousand pounds. It has a firm, dense, compact structure with flesh that has a tan or coral shade. Swordfish has become one of the best-loved fish because of its meaty, almost chicken-like texture and...
Views 1292 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Mar 10, 2008

How to make broiled halibut steaks

Halibut is one of the finest eating of any fish in the world. It’s meat is firm and flaky when cooked, and has a delicate flavor that will please anyone. It comes to the market weighing anywhere from 25 to 300 pounds. From the largest fish, steaks are out...
Views 1433 | Rating 4 | Comments 1| Date Mar 3, 2008

How to eat a whole fish

Once you master this easily learned craft, you’ll love eating whole fish at the table.
Views 1172 | Rating -2 | Comments 1| Date Mar 1, 2008

How to bake macadamia encrusted halibut with orange sauce

Here’s a popular fine dining dish that can be served with confidence. Anyone who tries a bite of this will come back for another, whether they eat fish regularly or not. Halibut is wonderfully delicate in flavor, soft and flaky in texture. The encrusted...
Views 906 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Feb 29, 2008

How to make lobster thermidor

Lobster thermidor was created in 1894 by Marie's, a Paris restaurant near the theater Comedie Francaise to honor the opening of the play Thermidor by Victorien Sardou. Unlike the recipe, the play was not a critical success, and is rarely performed. Due to...
Views 1395 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Feb 20, 2008