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How to Keep Stealing Your Husband's Heart

In the world we live, where successful men are almost headhunted by beautiful, equally successful, younger and powerful women. It is vital that wives, (who are often, but not always, spending all of their time working and looking after the children), know...
Views 6311 | Rating 88 | Comments 16| Date Apr 16, 2008

How to take care of my goldfish

If you whant to know how to take care of you littel friend in the fishball,the you might be interestet in some of the tips that you will find here.
Views 1272 | Rating 8 | Comments 1| Date May 22, 2010

Vista takes such a long time to turn off

Well, actually all operating systems take a long long time to turn off when they are overwhelmed with running programs and installed applications that just eat up all their resources.
Views 858 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date May 5, 2008

International Travel

If there comes a time when you are thinking about International Travel, it will be helpful to gather as much information as possible. Be prepared by reading, "International Travel Tips".
Views 789 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date Apr 22, 2008

How to Easily Grow Beautiful Hydrangea Flowers

On the hottest days of summer think about staying cool in your beautiful garden filled with a fluffy hedge of hydrangeas in your backyard.
Views 1028 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 24, 2008

How To Treat Anxiety and Phobias

There are Four Known Ways:
Views 903 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date May 10, 2008

3 Meditation techniques-To lead a relaxed and joyful life!

Meditation is bane for all stress. Through meditaion one discovers his true identity. Many think meditation is a way to control thoughts. Meditation had been practised by our ancestors, thousands of years back so they could raise the consciousness and lead a...
Views 2108 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Mar 24, 2008

Assertiveness Techniques! Learn and practise these techniques to stop others from manipuilating you!

YOU have to change your non - assertive behaviour to stop others from manipulating you by learning and practising
Views 1066 | Rating 4 | Comments 1| Date Mar 24, 2008

3 Tips for Self Confidence - So you can own every moment you live!

The difference is an assertive person may not be self-confident but a self-confident person is always assertive
Views 870 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008