TutorialTub.com is a profit sharing website built with Google's AdSense API. TutorialTub is based on user generated content. Members submit original tutorials to this website and TutorialTub publishes them with ads. Users receive 50% of the ad revenue from each of their tutorials.
TutorialTub.com allows users to create new AdSense accounts or link their current ones to TutorialTub.
Submitted Tutorials:
The proper aftercare for a navel piercing so that it will heal as it should.
Some different kinds of drink recipes that you might want to try on Valentine's Day or maybe just try on any day! Enjoy!!
The proper aftercare for a Eyebrow piercing so that it will heal as it should.
The proper aftercare for a Nostril piercing so that it will heal as it should.
The proper aftercare for your new tattoo so that it will heal as it should.
The proper aftercare for a Lip piercing so that it will heal as it should.
The proper aftercare for a Cartilage Piercing.