Sentinel is a profit sharing website built with Google's AdSense API. TutorialTub is based on user generated content. Members submit original tutorials to this website and TutorialTub publishes them with ads. Users receive 50% of the ad revenue from each of their tutorials. allows users to create new AdSense accounts or link their current ones to TutorialTub.

Submitted Tutorials:


How to have fun at home on a Friday night

An article on how to have some fun on a Friday night at home.
Views 1095 | Rating -67 | Comments 3| Date Aug 10, 2007

How to tell the difference between a normal and a two way mirror

An article giving you tips on how to tell the difference between a normal mirror and a two way one.
Views 1604 | Rating 20 | Comments 3| Date Aug 11, 2007