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Submitted Tutorials:


How to Keep Stealing Your Husband's Heart

In the world we live, where successful men are almost headhunted by beautiful, equally successful, younger and powerful women. It is vital that wives, (who are often, but not always, spending all of their time working and looking after the children), know how to make that man who’s married to you, choose you above the other women with whom he comes into regular contact.
Views 6311 | Rating 88 | Comments 16| Date Apr 16, 2008

A Girl's Guide ~ How to Earn His Respect!

Most things in a relationship come naturally, think about it, love, affection, care, you name it. Respect, however, has to be earned, and us girls, we know just how to do it!
Views 1203 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 16, 2008

An Unhealthy Eater's Guide ~ How To Make The Right Choices For Good Health

A simple quiz - with self scoring, to help you determine if you're making the right choices for a healthy lifestyle.
Views 885 | Rating 5 | Comments 0| Date Apr 28, 2008

The Lazy Person's Guide ~ How to Make Easy, Legal Money

A comprehensive list of 10 easy ways that simply everyone can make money legally. No special skills required, and no outlays. Just turn the assets you already have into active earning sources. None of these are second jobs.
Views 1204 | Rating 5 | Comments 1| Date Apr 30, 2008

The Green Person's Guide ~ How To Clean Pet Feaces, Yucky Spills, And Other Mucky Things.

There are so many safe and efficient cleaning agents around the home which are suitable for cleaning even the most yucky spills. In this article we'll see that often the best treatments for the worst muck, is a good old-fashioned scrub with agents found around the home. If we want to give it the Green treatment, this is the perfect article for you.
Views 2415 | Rating 4 | Comments 0| Date May 10, 2008