backslide is a profit sharing website built with Google's AdSense API. TutorialTub is based on user generated content. Members submit original tutorials to this website and TutorialTub publishes them with ads. Users receive 50% of the ad revenue from each of their tutorials. allows users to create new AdSense accounts or link their current ones to TutorialTub.

Submitted Tutorials:


How to Pimp Out Your Myspace Page With a Div Overlay

Tired of having the same looking Myspace page as everyone else no matter how much you customize it? Do a complete overhaul with a div overlay. The div overlay will completely cover up the default Myspace page.
Views 11508 | Rating 18 | Comments 13| Date Aug 14, 2007

Photoshop tutorial - Quick and Easy Vector Looking Images

This tutorial will teach you how to make retro looking vector images in Photoshop.
Views 10946 | Rating 50 | Comments 6| Date Aug 15, 2007