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Submitted Tutorials:


Holidaying in India? Here are the best places to visit in India!

India is well known throughout the world for it's culture, heritage - both manmade and natural, Famous buildings and wonders of the world. Yes, India has the seventh wonder of the world which recently got the status on 07-07-2007.
Views 833 | Rating -1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 1, 2008

3 Tips for Self Confidence - So you can own every moment you live!

The difference is an assertive person may not be self-confident but a self-confident person is always assertive
Views 881 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008

Wheat grass juice, the panacea on earth!

Wheat grass juice has brought back dieing patients from the jaws of death. It is the ultimate remedy for many illnesses. Third stage cancers, anaemias, infectious diseases and almost all diseases have been cured by it. The therapy can be done anybody at home and gives instant relief. Don't just believe me just do it and experience it yourself
Views 1003 | Rating 4 | Comments 1| Date Mar 21, 2008

Assertiveness Techniques! Learn and practise these techniques to stop others from manipuilating you!

YOU have to change your non - assertive behaviour to stop others from manipulating you by learning and practising
Views 1079 | Rating 4 | Comments 1| Date Mar 24, 2008

3 Meditation techniques-To lead a relaxed and joyful life!

Meditation is bane for all stress. Through meditaion one discovers his true identity. Many think meditation is a way to control thoughts. Meditation had been practised by our ancestors, thousands of years back so they could raise the consciousness and lead a stressfull and relaxed lives.
Views 2121 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Mar 24, 2008