
TutorialTub.com is a profit sharing website built with Google's AdSense API. TutorialTub is based on user generated content. Members submit original tutorials to this website and TutorialTub publishes them with ads. Users receive 50% of the ad revenue from each of their tutorials.

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Submitted Tutorials:


Build a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine using the Lenz2 design

This tutorial will show you how to build a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) using the Lenz2 design. This turbine uses both drag found in Savonius style VAWTs and lift found in aircraft wings. The addition of lift makes the turbine spin faster than the speed of the wind. The tutorial covers only the construction of the turbine and not the attachment of a generator.
Views 6154 | Rating 59 | Comments 5| Date Mar 9, 2008