The best way to handle an emergency is to avoid it in the first place, most happen when drivers make mistakes. Professional semi truck drivers reduce the chance of accidents by learning to recognize possible emergencies and to practice defensive driving...
This article describes the types of things that need to be included when stocking an emergency shelter.
Choking occurs when an object gets lodged in the throat and prevents air from entering or exiting the airways. The victim will exhibit difficulty in breathing and will show respiratory distress. Choking can occur suddenly and unexpectedly and can become an...
To avoid a collision in an emergency situation, if evasive steering isn’t possible then braking becomes the only option left. In general, it’s usually safer to make a quick stop than an evasive turn if there’s enough room to do so. Even if the semi...
This tutorial provides powerful information on how to survive a trip to prison. No one wants to go to prison, but this will help you survive and return home in one piece, just in case. Pictures are provided to give you a sense of being there.
The introductory organic chemistry lab course can be daunting! But with this tutorial, you'll learn some insightful tips and tricks that will help you get a good grade in any organic lab class. This advice comes from the experience of both a student and...
If you whant to know how to take care of you littel friend in the fishball,the you might be interestet in some of the tips that you will find here.
Here is one of the best-ever activities for you and your kids to do together. it's sure to inspire creativity while teaching fair play! Neither of my daughters have forgotten the laughter we shared the first time we "played what we made" My daughter...
With the cost of obtaining a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) as much as $5000 to $6000 PLUS "Credit Card" interest, you better know how to tell UP FRONT if a career in Truck Driving is "for you"!
An article giving you tips on how to tell the difference between a normal mirror and a two way one.
Correct way to tie a windsor knot
This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to transfer data from your old mac, to your new one
This tutorial teaches someone the little known secret of trapping(Bob White) Quail. I'll bet you didn't know it was this easy to catch birds.
There are Four Known Ways:
Do you want to know how reactive dye works? Have you had a bad experience and are curious to know why your experiment did not work? Learn the basics of reactive dye chemistry here.