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Google Picasa Basics

Google's Picasa program will help you organize, edit, and share your digital photographs -- and it's FREE! This tutorial walks you through the basics of importing and organizing pictures in Picasa. Look for my other Picasa-related tutorials.
Views 1850 | Rating 8 | Comments 0| Date Apr 27, 2008

Google Picasa Basics

Google's Picasa program will help you organize, edit, and share your digital photographs -- and it's FREE! This tutorial walks you through the basics of importing and organizing pictures in Picasa. Look for my other Picasa-related tutorials.
Views 1850 | Rating 8 | Comments 0| Date Apr 27, 2008

Basic photography 101 - A Users Guide to Understanding All Those #@$! Numbers and Terms!

So you got a new digital or 35mm camera. Congratulations! Now all that's left before you go out to take some outstanding pictures is to try and figure out what all those numbers on your camera mean. The instruction book that came with your camera is good...
Views 5877 | Rating 95 | Comments 9| Date Aug 8, 2007

Using Picasa to Share Your Photographs

Google’s Picasa offers a number of ways to share photos, all of which are tightly integrated with other Google-owned products. This tutorial will walk you through sharing your photographs using Picasa.
Views 1301 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Apr 27, 2008

Using Picasa to Share Your Photographs

Google’s Picasa offers a number of ways to share photos, all of which are tightly integrated with other Google-owned products. This tutorial will walk you through sharing your photographs using Picasa.
Views 1301 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Apr 27, 2008

Using Picasa to Solve Simple Photo Problems

This tutorial covers how to use Picasa to fix a few of the most common problems with digital photographs: red eye, color correction, contrast, leveling, and cropping. I'll also show you how to create a quick collage!
Views 1210 | Rating 3 | Comments 1| Date Apr 27, 2008

Using Picasa to Solve Simple Photo Problems

This tutorial covers how to use Picasa to fix a few of the most common problems with digital photographs: red eye, color correction, contrast, leveling, and cropping. I'll also show you how to create a quick collage!
Views 1210 | Rating 3 | Comments 1| Date Apr 27, 2008