Food - 2

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How to Wash and Clean Strawberries

Strawberries are a delicious fruit that can be eaten alone or added to many food dishes. Strawberries contain vitamin C and diatary fiber, are high is anti-oxidants which can help reduce the risk of cancers. When purchacing strawberries alway look for plump...
Views 2128 | Rating 53 | Comments 4| Date May 29, 2008

Carrot and Raisin Bread

This tasty and nutritious carrot raisin bread is very easy to bake it. Try this recipe and make your own delicious carrot raisin bread. It is also an ideal breakfast for your family.
Views 879 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date May 29, 2008

How to Brown Bag a Tuna Sandwich

Brown bagging it can save you time and money, but brown bagging a tuna sandwich can often leave you with a soggy bread soaked sandwich by lunchtime. This tutorial will show you how you can have a great tasting freshly made tuna sandwich without the soggy...
Views 1080 | Rating 4 | Comments 0| Date May 20, 2008

Create A Gourmet Italian Dinner on A Shoestring!

Italian food is one of the most popular and widely enjoyed types of cuisine~if you want to go farther with Italian cooking than spaghetti and wow your family friends with your kitchen prowess try this idea for a full Italian dinner that will please the whole...
Views 836 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 25, 2008

Three Dinners for a Family of Four Under $20

Three dinners for $20? Sounds impossible? I’ve done it and I’ll show you three easy recipes for under $20
Views 1353 | Rating 2 | Comments 1| Date Apr 24, 2008

Using Food Activities for Fun Time Between You and Your Children

Most young children love helping out in the kitchen. Food activities are a good way to strengthen the bond between you and your child. Food activities provide an opportunity for you to have some fun with your child. Fun food activities also provide a...
Views 1331 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Apr 22, 2008

How to Make Tender Meat

I don't know how many times I have been lauded by family, friends, and co-workers because the meat I bake is always so tender you can cut it with a fork. It is easier to do than you might think
Views 2166 | Rating 14 | Comments 2| Date Apr 5, 2008

How to publish your own cookbook

Every year, cookbooks are high on the list of the nation's bestsellers. The trouble is, there are so many cookbook writers and publishers that the odds of any one cookbook becoming a best seller are not much better than a new novel. But, it can be done! This...
Views 1806 | Rating 9 | Comments 0| Date Mar 24, 2008

Cast Iron Cookware Care and Maintenance

Learn how to properly care for your cast iron cookware and maintain it for generations.
Views 2352 | Rating 28 | Comments 3| Date Mar 21, 2008

How to cut your grocery bills in half

There have been many articles and reports written explaining supposed ways to cut your grocery bills. Sure, you can eat only bargain noodles and generic beans. That will save a little money. Wash out those plastic bags and reuse them. That will save a few...
Views 943 | Rating -2 | Comments 0| Date Mar 18, 2008

How to make whole sauteed Dover sole

Cooking whole fish in a pan, in butter, is a wonderful way of encouraging a crisp, buttery exterior and a perfectly moist interior. And it just doesn’t get any better than doing it with whole Dover sole, especially when it’s just come in fresh from...
Views 1490 | Rating 5 | Comments 0| Date Mar 12, 2008

How to make stuffed baked veal chops

Veal has long been one of the most prized meats in cooking where its delicacy is considered to be a perfect foil for sauces. The hardest part is finding great veal, you’ll need to buy from a top-quality butcher or from a specialty store. There are three...
Views 1338 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 12, 2008

How to make Pate Maison

Nearly every top restaurant has its own version of Pate Maison, or “House Specialty.” Pate is a meat loaf with a difference. For one thing, though both are made with ground and cooked meat, pate is served cold or at room temperature. More importantly,...
Views 1169 | Rating 0 | Comments 1| Date Mar 11, 2008

How to make Mediterranean tuna burgers

This recipe calls for the best quality cut of tuna you can find, first being Bluefin or Bigeye, and second being Yellowfin or Albacore. Fresh tuna’s appearance to beef is really emphasized when you make “hamburgers” out of it. Like beef burgers, tuna...
Views 1067 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 11, 2008

How to make Huckleberry pie

Huckleberries grow wild in many areas and can be found in produce markets in summer, but usually only where they grow. They are similar to blueberries but smaller and with more noticeable seeds. Baked in a pie they are smooth and bright tasting. Serves 10.
Views 1230 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 10, 2008