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Self watering recycled plant pot for growing herbs & flowers

How to recycle a soda bottle into a planter that waters itself!
Views 17131 | Rating 602 | Comments 35| Date Mar 23, 2008

Double-Decker Drum Composter

Make a double spinning composter from 55 gallon drums!
Views 2407 | Rating 502 | Comments 18| Date Apr 5, 2008

How to do a "Top End Rebuild" on a 2-stroke motor.

A step by step instruction/pictorial on how to change out a piston/rings etc on a 2 stroke motor.
Views 26170 | Rating 428 | Comments 44| Date Aug 7, 2007


It is a wise choice to start a retail hardware business in any developing country due to high demand of building materials such as cement, iron sheets, nails of all types, spades, expanded metals, hoes and among others.
Views 1911 | Rating 273 | Comments 67| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to build a visco fuse machine

A step-by-step guide to building a visco fuse machine similar to the one I built at home. It can easily make a foot of visco fuse per minute and it is possible to make even more.
Views 5911 | Rating 268 | Comments 28| Date Jun 24, 2008

How to make Lemoncillo (Italian Lemon drink with vodka)

This is a family recipe for Lemoncillo. Lemoncillo is an Italian drink that takes lemon zest and vodka (or everclear) and combines the two for an amazing cocktail!
Views 10635 | Rating 206 | Comments 23| Date Jan 8, 2008

How To Clean Your Keyboard - A Step By Step Guide

Computer keyboards can get dirty very easily when they are not properly taken care of. In this guide I will show you how to thoroughly clean you keyboard with some simple household items. Your keyboard will look as good as new after.
Views 16636 | Rating 124 | Comments 11| Date Aug 8, 2007

Basic photography 101 - A Users Guide to Understanding All Those #@$! Numbers and Terms!

So you got a new digital or 35mm camera. Congratulations! Now all that's left before you go out to take some outstanding pictures is to try and figure out what all those numbers on your camera mean. The instruction book that came with your camera is good...
Views 5877 | Rating 95 | Comments 9| Date Aug 8, 2007

How to Keep Stealing Your Husband's Heart

In the world we live, where successful men are almost headhunted by beautiful, equally successful, younger and powerful women. It is vital that wives, (who are often, but not always, spending all of their time working and looking after the children), know...
Views 6311 | Rating 88 | Comments 16| Date Apr 16, 2008

How to create selective color using Photoshop CS2

Use Photoshop CS2 to create selective coloring in a photo or graphic. This entails desaturating (removing color from) certain elements of a picture and leaving (or enhancing) other colors in a photograph. I will show you how to do this using mask layers.
Views 10112 | Rating 82 | Comments 7| Date Aug 8, 2007

Building a Ball Mill for Grinding Chemicals

Learn how to build a ball mill for grinding solids into fine powders. Commercial ball mills can cost more than $100, but with this tutorial you'll be able to make one that works just as well for no more than $30!
Views 7718 | Rating 73 | Comments 11| Date Aug 11, 2007

Making a Wine Glass rack

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a wine glass rack to your home! It is a very simple procedure that actually costs less than $10 to make, and it looks great and is functional as well!
Views 11342 | Rating 72 | Comments 11| Date Aug 9, 2007

Felting with Alpaca Fleece - Beginners Guide

Alpaca fleece is the most luxurious naturally occuring fibre and is ideal for felting. Felting is something anyone can learn very easily and, once the fleece is felted, you can create great products for yourself or gifts for friends. There are a number of...
Views 2376 | Rating 64 | Comments 4| Date Feb 23, 2009

Build a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine using the Lenz2 design

This tutorial will show you how to build a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) using the Lenz2 design. This turbine uses both drag found in Savonius style VAWTs and lift found in aircraft wings. The addition of lift makes the turbine spin faster than the speed...
Views 6132 | Rating 59 | Comments 5| Date Mar 9, 2008

Easily Remove the White Deposits on an Orthodontia Retainer

Bleah! Your kid's orthodontic retainers are scaling up with those unsightly white deposits and it seems that no amount of toothbrush scrubbing removes it. What to do?
Views 2994 | Rating 55 | Comments 3| Date Jan 13, 2008