Category Listing - 14

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Three Dinners for a Family of Four Under $20

Three dinners for $20? Sounds impossible? I’ve done it and I’ll show you three easy recipes for under $20
Views 1353 | Rating 2 | Comments 1| Date Apr 24, 2008

How to Make Chicken Parmesan with Fresh Pomodoro Sauce

Learn how to make delicious chicken parmesan with a light pomodoro sauce using only fresh ingredients. This recipe will provide specific instructions to a savory meal. If you are looking to prepare a quick dinner, this recipe probably is not for you since it...
Views 860 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 24, 2008

Make your own Safe and Easy Dog Food and Treats

This tutorial describes how to make your own dog food.
Views 775 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 23, 2008

Using Food Activities for Fun Time Between You and Your Children

Most young children love helping out in the kitchen. Food activities are a good way to strengthen the bond between you and your child. Food activities provide an opportunity for you to have some fun with your child. Fun food activities also provide a...
Views 1331 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Apr 22, 2008

International Travel

If there comes a time when you are thinking about International Travel, it will be helpful to gather as much information as possible. Be prepared by reading, "International Travel Tips".
Views 789 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date Apr 22, 2008

How to Easily Grow Beautiful Hydrangea Flowers

On the hottest days of summer think about staying cool in your beautiful garden filled with a fluffy hedge of hydrangeas in your backyard.
Views 1028 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 24, 2008

How To Copy Edit Your Own Work

Copy edit. Revise you own writing.
Views 1151 | Rating 4 | Comments 0| Date Apr 22, 2008

How To Tell If A Career In Truck Driving Is For You

With the cost of obtaining a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) as much as $5000 to $6000 PLUS "Credit Card" interest, you better know how to tell UP FRONT if a career in Truck Driving is "for you"!
Views 1326 | Rating 10 | Comments 1| Date Apr 21, 2008

GIMP help, How to move red eyes?

How do use GIMP? How do you get the red eyes away?
Views 798 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 20, 2008

Finding the right artist for your self published book.

One obstacle in self publishing is finding an artist for your book. How to find and work with the artist to ensure you will get the book art that you want.
Views 849 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 19, 2008

A Girl's Guide~ How to Get Over a Bad Break-up

This article offers a list of 10 essential, tried and tested, things a girl must do in order to get over a particularly nasty break-up
Views 1386 | Rating 33 | Comments 4| Date Apr 21, 2008

A Basic Guide for Fishing; Florida Style!

Fishing is the work, as the catching is the fun! Everybody goes fishing but not everybody catches fish. Have you ever noticed that some people catch more than others do? Some just are plain lucky, like winning a lotto ticket, while most others catch more fish...
Views 837 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 18, 2008

How to become a Certified Playground Safety Inspector

There are an estimated 200,000 playground related injuries or illness in the United States per year. Maintaining the safety of the playgrounds in which our children play on is crucial to maintaining their health and well-being. Day cares, schools, home day...
Views 1143 | Rating 1 | Comments 1| Date Apr 18, 2008

How To Get A Free Government Educational Grant

Here's the straight scoop on how to get a free government education grant for "everyday" people without buying an expensive book that's full of baloney!
Views 3494 | Rating 29 | Comments 6| Date Apr 18, 2008

How to make ANT and SCP play nice

We all want to use ANT so chances are that you'll use the SCP task at some point. Now what you may not know is that this task relies upon the Java Secure Channel library, referred to as jsch, created by JCraft.
Views 1482 | Rating -1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 18, 2008