Category Listing - 20

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DIY (Do It Yourself) Baseball Infield as a Centerpiece Base

This How-To shows you how to make an infield base to anchor your baseball centerpiece for your Bar or Bat Mitzvah, theme wedding party, sports theme event, corporate event, etc. Indoor/outdoor grass carpeting covers the infield, baseball bases and baseball...
Views 3764 | Rating 25 | Comments 1| Date Feb 14, 2008

Minimizing the Risk of Contracting Viral and Bacterial Illnesses and Infections Through Prevention

For over twenty years scientists specializing in bacterial and viral contagions, infections, and illnesses warned doctors and the public of the dangers of overprescribing antibiotics. These scientists feared that the bacteria and viruses would mutate and...
Views 1012 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Feb 23, 2008

How to Choose the Right Computer For You

Finding the right computer is almost as hard as house hunting or car hunting. There are so many variations and possibilities, it’s easy to get lost and frustrated. Let’s find out how you can find the right computer for your needs.
Views 893 | Rating -1 | Comments 0| Date Feb 14, 2008

HTML is easy, right?

If you're asking whether HTML will be easy for you to learn, the short answer is definitely maybe.
Views 1006 | Rating 1 | Comments 1| Date Feb 10, 2008

A Delicious Vegan Chocolate Cake

So you're a vegan, but you haven't given up dessert. You can find delicious soy ice "cream" but you need cake to put under it! I mean, you can eat cake without ice cream, or ice cream without cake, but the two belong together. All the cake...
Views 1108 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Feb 14, 2008

How to make lobster thermidor

Lobster thermidor was created in 1894 by Marie's, a Paris restaurant near the theater Comedie Francaise to honor the opening of the play Thermidor by Victorien Sardou. Unlike the recipe, the play was not a critical success, and is rarely performed. Due to...
Views 1402 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Feb 20, 2008

How to stop a semi truck in an emergency

To avoid a collision in an emergency situation, if evasive steering isn’t possible then braking becomes the only option left. In general, it’s usually safer to make a quick stop than an evasive turn if there’s enough room to do so. Even if the semi...
Views 1618 | Rating 10 | Comments 0| Date Feb 20, 2008

A Primer on Tea, or How to Become a Tea Snob

it's easy to educate yourself about tea, and then it's a short step to full-fledged tea snob. People do it with wine, why not tea?!
Views 1351 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Mar 5, 2008

How to Get Rid of Dandruff for $1 in a Month

Principally said, dandruff is caused by two main reasons: skin irritation, often times provoked, for example, by the new shampoo you began to wash your hair with recently or by a fungal skin infection. Here are two inexpensive methods to get rid of it.
Views 850 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Feb 14, 2008

Damaged by Infidelity? Moving Towards Reconciliation

Surviving infidelity can feel like surviving an emotional train wreck. Experiencing the ill fated effects of broken trust is extremely devastating. Professionals will admit there are several approaches one must face in dealing with infidelity. Establishing...
Views 761 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 14, 2008

How To Care For A Cartilage Piercing

The proper aftercare for a Cartilage Piercing.
Views 2398 | Rating 20 | Comments 0| Date Jan 13, 2008

How To Care For A Lip Piercing

The proper aftercare for a Lip piercing so that it will heal as it should.
Views 1085 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Jan 13, 2008

How To Care For A Tattoo

The proper aftercare for your new tattoo so that it will heal as it should.
Views 1102 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 13, 2008

How To Care For A Nostril Piercing

The proper aftercare for a Nostril piercing so that it will heal as it should.
Views 993 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 13, 2008

How To Care For A Eyebrow Piercing

The proper aftercare for a Eyebrow piercing so that it will heal as it should.
Views 1102 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Jan 13, 2008