Category Listing - 16

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How to make your fish aquarium more beautiful

Furnishing your aquarium is an important process in creating a more beautiful tank. You will need to put in components that will not only make it look more beautiful and attractive, but will be clean and safe for the type of inhabitants you intend to keep.
Views 2297 | Rating 4 | Comments 1| Date Mar 22, 2008

Speak Spanish!

How To Speak Spanish: Some Frequently Used Words, Phrases, and Conversation in the Spanish Language
Views 1638 | Rating 3 | Comments 1| Date Mar 22, 2008

How to make homemade pet food

As a responsible pet owner, you want to give your dog or cat the best care possible. Caring for your pet means feeding him the best diet you can. It may be easier to open a can or bag of pet food bought from the store, but it’s not always better than...
Views 1112 | Rating -2 | Comments 0| Date Mar 22, 2008

How to hide your valuable assets and possessions

Hiding your life's treasures under a pillow or mattress won't safeguard them from a thief. However, this doesn't mean that a safety deposit box at your bank is the only place for them. The following ideas of where to locate a secret compartment will offer...
Views 972 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Mar 22, 2008

How to have good diction for public speaking

Speaking well can have a dramatic effect on your professional and private life. It is true that the impression you make on others often owes much more to how you speak—the pitch and expressiveness and clarity of your voice, for example—than to what you...
Views 4089 | Rating 40 | Comments 5| Date Mar 22, 2008

Feed a snake the safe way with CO2

How to humanely euthanize prey animals to feed to a snake using a CO2 tank from a paintball gun.
Views 1737 | Rating 13 | Comments 2| Date Mar 22, 2008

How to wash cloth diapers

Here is the easy way to keep up with dirty diaper laundry! It's not as scary as you think!
Views 739 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008

Cast Iron Cookware Care and Maintenance

Learn how to properly care for your cast iron cookware and maintain it for generations.
Views 2352 | Rating 28 | Comments 3| Date Mar 21, 2008

Parenting After Adult Relationships End

Relationships end. Although the resulting emotions are normal, too often the pain, anger, sense of betrayal, and rejection felt by the adults spills over into a desire to strike back. Reaction, driven by raw emotion, replaces rational thought. Unfortunately,...
Views 958 | Rating 1 | Comments 1| Date Mar 26, 2008

Poetry: How To Write a Better, More Creative Poem

If you’re a writer, then at some point you must have had tried writing poetry. Have you written a poem? Who says you can’t write a poem? Anyone can learn how to write a poem.
Views 1691 | Rating 7 | Comments 6| Date Mar 21, 2008

How to Choose a VoIP provider

The concept of making phone calls over the internet for less than a traditional phone service is very exciting to me. As soon as the technology was seasoned, because initially there was zero 911 service, I started looking into different companies. With trial...
Views 852 | Rating -1 | Comments 1| Date Mar 21, 2008

How to handle an angry child with ADHD

Until just recently, the term Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was virtually unheard of. Now, ADHD has gone from an obscure medical footnote to a household word in record time. Unfortunately, while this disorder is largely misunderstood, it...
Views 3954 | Rating 54 | Comments 10| Date Mar 21, 2008

How to get money you don't have to payback

Everyone has been, at some time or another, in dire need of cash. Many times the money cannot be paid back. Other times, a person might want to jump on an opportunity to buy something when they don’t have the necessary funds. Sure, a person can always...
Views 986 | Rating -5 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008

How to find a missing person

It is not always necessary to hire a private investigator to search for a missing person. In fact, the time consuming task of investigating a missing person can be done by almost anyone. As long as a person understands and follows the procedure provided here,...
Views 890 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008

Wheat grass juice, the panacea on earth!

Wheat grass juice has brought back dieing patients from the jaws of death. It is the ultimate remedy for many illnesses. Third stage cancers, anaemias, infectious diseases and almost all diseases have been cured by it. The therapy can be done anybody at home...
Views 990 | Rating 4 | Comments 1| Date Mar 21, 2008