Category Listing - 13

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A Guide on becoming an expert at any shoot em up computer game.

Hi there, I have had experience in many shoot em up games such as counter strike, Call of duty 1,2 and 4, Doom collection, Unreal collection, America's army, Half Life and mods, and many many more. In This guide I will reveal the tips and secrets of...
Views 830 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date Apr 26, 2008

How to Host A Construction Site Birthday Party

Bulldozers, dumptrucks and forklifts amaze little boys and girls, too. Host a birthday party using this timeless theme.
Views 1078 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 26, 2008

Hoggin or Noodling a different way to fish

Catching fish with your bare hands is a very different way to catch fish.
Views 1476 | Rating 7 | Comments 0| Date Apr 26, 2008

How to prepare to breastfeed your baby

You know that giving your baby breastmilk is the healthiest choice for you and your baby but you are not sure how to prepare for success? Read on and you will learn how to prepare to give your baby the best nature has to offer.
Views 766 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 26, 2008

Create A Gourmet Italian Dinner on A Shoestring!

Italian food is one of the most popular and widely enjoyed types of cuisine~if you want to go farther with Italian cooking than spaghetti and wow your family friends with your kitchen prowess try this idea for a full Italian dinner that will please the whole...
Views 836 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 25, 2008

How to Handle getting fired.

Getting fired from your job can be very stressful. Almost instantly you begin to wonder how your bills will get paid. You think you are not going to find a job. Well I thought the same exact thing until I realized that sulking over the past was not getting me...
Views 851 | Rating 1 | Comments 1| Date Apr 25, 2008

Flash CS3 - Basics

This tutorial is meant for those new to flash and would like to use it but do not know how. It assumes no prior knowledge to knowing anything in flash. So if you don't know flash is and would like too, then read on!
Views 986 | Rating 5 | Comments 1| Date Apr 26, 2008

Cane Pole Fishing

One of the oldest and best ways to fish is with a cane pole.
Views 1424 | Rating 13 | Comments 2| Date Apr 25, 2008

Actionscript 3.0 - Keyboard events

This tutorial shows you how to create an object then force it to respond to your keyboard keys, sort of like it would in a video game!
Views 1509 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date Apr 25, 2008

Trotline Fishing

How to set up and run a successful trotline.
Views 947 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 25, 2008

Create and Sell a website for profit in one month

We've all thought of it. Turning a little cash into something more with little effort. Well the semi-good news is that it can be done. But it will require a little work on your behalf.
Views 1076 | Rating 7 | Comments 1| Date Apr 25, 2008

How To Achieve natural-Looking Makeup in Just 5 Steps!

Do you want to have beautiful, natural looking makeup that brings out your natural good looks? Follow this tutorial, and you can!
Views 763 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Apr 24, 2008

How to choose a Flat screen TV

Know before you go, doing a little research first will help you choose the right TV for your money. Did you know there are difference between a Plasma flat screen TV and a LCD flat screen TV? Here are a few highlights to help you on your way to purchasing...
Views 780 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 24, 2008

Karaoke Etiquette for Beginners

Basic etiquette for karaoke.
Views 998 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date Apr 24, 2008

How to Decorate on a Budget of $20 or Less Per Room

Post- Thrift Store style doesn't have to be shabby if you follow these great tips and tricks for making any room in your apartment or house look nice!
Views 770 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Apr 24, 2008