Category Listing - 17

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3 Tips for Self Confidence - So you can own every moment you live!

The difference is an assertive person may not be self-confident but a self-confident person is always assertive
Views 870 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 21, 2008

How to educate a child with ADHD

In the past, kids with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) were seen as the misunderstood problem students in school. Today, while the causes are not readily known, there have been many advances in the understanding and diagnosing of children and...
Views 1743 | Rating 22 | Comments 1| Date Mar 19, 2008

How to do bartender tricks

For the mixologists out there, or bartenders, making tips is the best way to increase their income. Barkeeps use a variety of skills and methods to suggest a patron place monetary gifts on the bar for their taking. How they entertain can vary from witty...
Views 4254 | Rating 11 | Comments 2| Date Mar 19, 2008

How to decorate in a tropical chic style

Interior decorating has taken new heights with the cost-effective styles and trends available at most local department stores. You can construct some versatile and chic domains on a variety of budgets and themes. Tropical chic is one of the most popular looks...
Views 3210 | Rating 26 | Comments 3| Date Mar 19, 2008

Partition your Hard Drive with Windows XP

Partitioning a hard drive is a fairly simple operation with the utility tool already installed on Windows XP. However, if you have difficulty finding the desktop on your computer, you'll want to leave this job to someone with a little more experience.
Views 1218 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Mar 19, 2008

How To Have a Better Career

Isn’t work a great source of self-esteem? A huge part of our personal satisfaction comes from the sense of well-being we get from work. So what if your job sucks? – More or less, your entire life sucks too. This is because the way we think and feel about...
Views 785 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 26, 2008

How to cut your grocery bills in half

There have been many articles and reports written explaining supposed ways to cut your grocery bills. Sure, you can eat only bargain noodles and generic beans. That will save a little money. Wash out those plastic bags and reuse them. That will save a few...
Views 943 | Rating -2 | Comments 0| Date Mar 18, 2008

How to control insomnia

We’re all given the ability from birth to perform certain bodily functions like sleeping. Sleep is meant to revive us and get us ready to live for another day. It’s an innate ability that usually doesn’t take much effort at all. But for many people,...
Views 1210 | Rating 4 | Comments 3| Date Mar 18, 2008

How to boost internet traffic to your blog

Web logs, popularly known as blogs, have become one of the hottest communication tools on the Web. Blogs encourage opinions and interaction while providing forums for people to create their own highly personal presentations to the Web audience. By allowing a...
Views 965 | Rating 5 | Comments 0| Date Mar 18, 2008

Becoming an Early Riser

Early rising has long been said to help make a person more productive. However, it is easier said then done for those of us that are lifestyle night owls or who spend too much time doing this and that and not enough sleeping.
Views 783 | Rating 1 | Comments 1| Date Mar 16, 2008

How to make whole sauteed Dover sole

Cooking whole fish in a pan, in butter, is a wonderful way of encouraging a crisp, buttery exterior and a perfectly moist interior. And it just doesn’t get any better than doing it with whole Dover sole, especially when it’s just come in fresh from...
Views 1490 | Rating 5 | Comments 0| Date Mar 12, 2008

How to make stuffed baked veal chops

Veal has long been one of the most prized meats in cooking where its delicacy is considered to be a perfect foil for sauces. The hardest part is finding great veal, you’ll need to buy from a top-quality butcher or from a specialty store. There are three...
Views 1338 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 12, 2008

How to make Pate Maison

Nearly every top restaurant has its own version of Pate Maison, or “House Specialty.” Pate is a meat loaf with a difference. For one thing, though both are made with ground and cooked meat, pate is served cold or at room temperature. More importantly,...
Views 1169 | Rating 0 | Comments 1| Date Mar 11, 2008

How to make Mediterranean tuna burgers

This recipe calls for the best quality cut of tuna you can find, first being Bluefin or Bigeye, and second being Yellowfin or Albacore. Fresh tuna’s appearance to beef is really emphasized when you make “hamburgers” out of it. Like beef burgers, tuna...
Views 1067 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 11, 2008

How to make Huckleberry pie

Huckleberries grow wild in many areas and can be found in produce markets in summer, but usually only where they grow. They are similar to blueberries but smaller and with more noticeable seeds. Baked in a pie they are smooth and bright tasting. Serves 10.
Views 1230 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Mar 10, 2008