Category Listing - 3

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Car won't crank troubleshooting

If you have a vehicle that won't crank, read below and find out how to get your vehicle back on the road.
Views 929 | Rating -1 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to Transfer Data from your old Mac

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to transfer data from your old mac, to your new one
Views 762 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

Comparing a Tankless Hot Water Heater to the Tank-type

Did you know that hot water heaters come in two types: Tank-type and tankless? The tank-type may be the cheapest option in the short term, but a tankless hot water heater can save you money in the long run. It is an option worth considering.
Views 681 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to Create a Sweet Candy Cane in Adobe Illustrator CS3

In this tutorial for beginners you will be learning how to create a sweet candy cane in Adobe Illustrator CS3. In this "very easy to follow" tutorial you will learn how to create the shape of the candy cane by using a Pathfinder panel and how to...
Views 2393 | Rating 5 | Comments 11| Date Jan 3, 2012


Using items already found in the refrigerator and with a preparation time of 5 minutes, kids will go crazy for this fun project!
Views 732 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to smooth skin in Photoshop

How to smooth your rough skin in Photoshop to look crystal clear and extremely smooth.
Views 1032 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to make a best cup of tea with Cardamom and ginger

Put one glass full of water in the pan. Heat the water. Now take two Cardamoms and one small ginger( almost the size of two Cardamoms). Crush the Cardamoms with a back side of a glass or some thing solid. Cut the ginger in to very fine pieces. Put them into...
Views 1241 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to write an ebook

How to make your eBook "user friendly" You must figure out how to keep your writing engaging. Often anecdotes, testimonials, little stories, photos, graphs, advice, and tips will keep the reader turning the pages. Sidebars are useful for quick,...
Views 846 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How To Make Quilted Oven Gloves

These quilted oven gloves are a welcome addition to any kitchen and very useful as a practical gift to a friend or hostess.
Views 935 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How To Make a Ribbon Quilted Clutch Bag

Ribbon quilting is a great way to give an unusual look to your clutch bag. You can choose the ribbon colour to match a particular outfit or pair of shoes for a very stylish look.
Views 857 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

Introducing Ruby to PHP developers

Ever since Ruby on Rails became popular, the Ruby programming language has become increasingly popular in the world of web development. If you have prior experience with Python or similar languages, it won't take long until you grasp the basics of Ruby. When...
Views 1066 | Rating 2 | Comments 0| Date Jan 3, 2012

How to raise an indoor cat's fitness level

Indoor cats aren’t as physically active as their outdoor counterparts. To prevent them from growing obese you must exercise your indoor cat daily. Sound difficult? Don’t worry its fun for both you and your cat.
Views 918 | Rating 1 | Comments 0| Date Aug 22, 2010

How Not To Be Boring on Twitter

Just when you've tweeted that you had eggs for breakfast or the cat's been sick, some wise guy you're following on Twitter pipes up with a cracking one liner that has you laughing your pants off. How does he do it in just 140 characters? Here's how and here's...
Views 796 | Rating -1 | Comments 0| Date Aug 22, 2010

How to create a dragon from a lizard in photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn to create your own dragon in photoshop. this dragon is created using only 2 images, one image of lizard and other image of bat. Even if you are not very good in photoshop you can create this photo manipulation.
Views 1392 | Rating 3 | Comments 0| Date Aug 22, 2010

How to get your man to commit in less than week

Ladies, if you are having a diffult time trying to get your man to commit, then you need to read this step by step guide.
Views 772 | Rating 0 | Comments 0| Date May 22, 2010